↘ Prevent MS Encrypted Phishing
OpenBLD.net DNS Mitigated Influence from new Microsoft Encrypted Restricted Permission Messages Deliver Phishing
OpenBLD.net DNS Mitigated Influence from new Microsoft Encrypted Restricted Permission Messages Deliver Phishing
The rise of phishing activities has taken the top spot in attacks targeting end-users and organizations. Among the various forms of phishing attacks, there's one known as "SMiShing" attacks, which target users through SMS messages.
Today I discovered a new malicious company that spreads through of Google Ads side...
In the ever-evolving OpenBLD ecosystem, the second quarter of 2023 has witnessed remarkable growth and some exciting changes. OpenBLD.net, the service committed to minimizing the internet noise caused by advertising and tracking, has evolved to introduce cutting-edge features like Anycast/GeoDNS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DNS-over-TLS.
This evolution has brought forth two new services: Adaptive (ADA) and Strict (RIC), which are set to replace A-BLD and BLD. But what sets them apart? It's time to find out.
Malvertising seems to be enjoying a renaissance as of late, whether it is from ads on search engine results pages or via popular websites. Because browsers are more secure today than they were 5 or 10 years ago, the attacks that we are seeing all involve some form of social engineering.
A threat actor is using malicious ads to redirect users to what looks like a Windows security update. The scheme is very well designed as it relies on the web browser to display a full screen animation that very much resembles what you'd expect from Microsoft...
I'm working on new OpenBLD DoH/DoT release with Anycast DNS, GeoDNS (Europe, Asia locations) functionality.