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↘ PDP Testing Usage Manual

· 3 min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of Personal DoH Profile


What is PDP and how to use it? This article will help you to understand the basics of Personal DoH Profiling (PDP) and how to use it.


More details about PDP you can find here.

Get Started

After Joining PDP Beta, you will receive a welcome message from me to a provided contact.


Haven't received? Contact me please

Initial usage

After receiving a unique PDP DoH link from me, you can start using the service:

  • Step 1: Setup your device(s) with PDP with provided DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) links.
  • Step 2: DoH link should be formatted as https://<service name>/dns-query/<your_id> (where <service name> ADA or RIC platform address, <your_id> is your unique identifier).
  • Step 3: After setup, you can check the service on DNS Leak Test and

🎉🎉🎉 Now you can relax and use the service based on your own personalized settings.

Enjoy the service and provide feedback!

Customization (Optional)

Personalized settings

Free available settings for customization are:

  • Personal Allow/Block lists (Default: my-zbld
  • Change reload list interval (Default: 24 hours (Minimal allowed 3 hours))
  • Disable/Enable troubleshooting logs (Default: Enabled. Storing: 2 days)
  • Switch mode to Zero Trust (Default: Blackhole mode (more details here))
  • Create additional PDP DoH links for your family members or different devices (Default: 2 links)

To apply customization you can fill PDP Personal Settings Form and notify me.

  • Allow lists are still prioritized over blocklists.
  • You can provide static hosts file if needed.

Usage Conditions

  • Lists or static hosts file should not be more than 100 records.
  • The number of requests should not exceed 100k per day.
  • Shall comply with the terms of the service use (See Limitations section).

Profile deletion

  • Scenario 1: Notify me if you need to delete the profile.
  • Scenario 2: After 30 days of inactivity, the profile will be automatically deleted.

What's Next?


  • You can provide feedback in any way possible (directly, via contacts, etc.)
  • Later on, I will contact you and ask to fill out the feedback form.


Next step is to automate the process of providing personalized settings and the ability to change them on the go, with:

  • Telegram bot
  • Web UI

How to setup on your favourite device(s):

Stay tuned in for more updates and features in Telegram Channel! 🚀