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↘ OpenBLD ADA & RIC differences

· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of

What's the Difference Between Ada and Ric

  • 🌟 Ada - Adaptive DNS: Harmoniously filters malicious content and ensures seamless internet connectivity whenever possible
  • 🚫 Ric - Strict DNS: Blocks many marketing and tracking resources, which may affect access to certain internet content

I recommend Ada for most DNS users. Get-Started.

↘ OpenBLD H1 2023 Updates & News

· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of

What new we have in today:

  • New optimized DNS Fronted / Backend engines
  • Updated Geo Localized ecosystem
  • New integrated centralize Cactusd service
  • Optimized works with free video services (rezka, seasonwar), social networks and etc.
  • Integrated new Free SSL feature from ClouDNS
  • Testing Netdata (ML) Powered Anomaly Detection 🔩

↘ Prevent Malicious WinSCP

· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of

Infection chain

Advertising platforms like Google Ads enable businesses to display advertisements to target audiences to boost traffic and increase sales. Malware distributors abuse the same functionality in a technique known as malvertising, where chosen keywords are hijacked to display malicious ads that lure unsuspecting search engine users into downloading certain types of malware.