↘ OpenBLD Q3 2023 Updates & News
In first - Big Thanks to the DNS Blocklists project for their significant contribution to "Keep the internet clean" ideology
In first - Big Thanks to the DNS Blocklists project for their significant contribution to "Keep the internet clean" ideology
What's the Difference Between Ada and Ric OpenBLD.net?
I recommend Ada for most OpenBLD.net DNS users. Get-Started.
What new we have in OpenBLD.net today:
According to CISA newly identified Truebot malware variants against organizations in the United States and Canada.
Today info about of OpenBLD.net DNS added to AdGuard Wiki KnowledgeBaseDNS repo!
Advertising platforms like Google Ads enable businesses to display advertisements to target audiences to boost traffic and increase sales. Malware distributors abuse the same functionality in a technique known as malvertising, where chosen keywords are hijacked to display malicious ads that lure unsuspecting search engine users into downloading certain types of malware.