↘ Reduce Spying iPhone
· One min read
How can you reduce the threat of spying on your iPhone?
How can you reduce the threat of spying on your iPhone?
Update HTTPS certificates will progress tonight
In Almaty, this Thursday, October 19, at 7:00 PM in SmartPoint, I'll be presenting an open report on the topic of "Security and DNS."
We all recognize that DNS is the backbone of the internet; without it, nothing would function properly. It's everywhere, yet its significance in cybersecurity often goes unnoticed.
In first - Big Thanks to the DNS Blocklists project for their significant contribution to "Keep the internet clean" ideology
What's the Difference Between Ada and Ric OpenBLD.net?
I recommend Ada for most OpenBLD.net DNS users. Get-Started.
What new we have in OpenBLD.net today: