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🀝JetBrains OSS support'24

Β· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of

JetBrains OSS support

JetBrains, following open source support practices, has supported and me this year with a new license.

JetBrains was the first company to support my initiative in creating my open projects. Such support has been significant for me, my motivation, and moving forward. Thanks to such activities, you understand that you're not wasting time, that you're not pulling it all alone, there are those who understand you, who support you and your ideas, and this makes you even stronger and closer to achieving your goals and realizing your ideas.

It's cool, it's nice, and it gives the opportunity to move even further than you are today.

To everyone who has the opportunity to help people and projects in their development and support and does so - this is dedicated. Success to all of us! Peace

JetBrains OSS -

P.S. This post written in JetBrains WebStorm πŸ’ͺ

πŸš€ OpenBLD IPv6 RIC Started Today

Β· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD IPv6 RIC Started Today

Starting today, IPv6 support has been added to the RIC ecosystem!

What does this mean for you? Now you can enjoy all the benefits of IPv6 in our network, including faster and more efficient data transmission, enhanced security, and flexibility when working with modern networks.

We are constantly striving to improve the service to provide you with the best experience possible. With the addition of IPv6 support, we are taking another step forward in ensuring you have access to the most modern technologies and capabilities.

Simply use RIC DoH or PDP DoH, and if your network supports IPv6, everything will start working automatically! πŸš€

Happy browsing! 🌐

β†˜ Prevent Android Vultur Malware

Β· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of Prevent Vultur Malware

Android banking malware Vultur have been spotted adding new technical features, which allow the malware operator to further remotely interact with the victim’s mobile device.

Vultur has also started masquerading more of its malicious activity by encrypting its C2 communication, using multiple encrypted payloads that are decrypted on the fly, and using the guise of legitimate applications to carry out its malicious actions...

Full technical analysis on:

Take care of yourself πŸ”

πŸ“’ Optimized Profile for Apple Devices

Β· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of Update Profile for Apple Devices

Following recent attacks on one of the hosting providers within, I have updated the server topology to optimize content delivery, especially for Apple users.

Download the optimized profile from the project website and simply install it over your existing one:

  • Setup Mobile Devices > Apple

If your system is functioning normally, updating is not mandatory. Just remember that the option is available. Peace! ✌️

P.S. If you have any questions regarding the update - Welcome 😎

β†˜ PDP Testing Usage Manual

Β· 3 min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of Personal DoH Profile


What is PDP and how to use it? This article will help you to understand the basics of Personal DoH Profiling (PDP) and how to use it.


More details about PDP you can find here.

Get Started​

After Joining PDP Beta, you will receive a welcome message from me to a provided contact.


Haven't received? Contact me please

Initial usage​

After receiving a unique PDP DoH link from me, you can start using the service:

  • Step 1: Setup your device(s) with PDP with provided DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) links.
  • Step 2: DoH link should be formatted as https://<service name>/dns-query/<your_id> (where <service name> ADA or RIC platform address, <your_id> is your unique identifier).
  • Step 3: After setup, you can check the service on DNS Leak Test and

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Now you can relax and use the service based on your own personalized settings.

Enjoy the service and provide feedback!

Customization (Optional)​

Personalized settings​

Free available settings for customization are:

  • Personal Allow/Block lists (Default: my-zbld
  • Change reload list interval (Default: 24 hours (Minimal allowed 3 hours))
  • Disable/Enable troubleshooting logs (Default: Enabled. Storing: 2 days)
  • Switch mode to Zero Trust (Default: Blackhole mode (more details here))
  • Create additional PDP DoH links for your family members or different devices (Default: 2 links)

To apply customization you can fill PDP Personal Settings Form and notify me.

  • Allow lists are still prioritized over blocklists.
  • You can provide static hosts file if needed.

Usage Conditions​

  • Lists or static hosts file should not be more than 100 records.
  • The number of requests should not exceed 100k per day.
  • Shall comply with the terms of the service use (See Limitations section).

Profile deletion​

  • Scenario 1: Notify me if you need to delete the profile.
  • Scenario 2: After 30 days of inactivity, the profile will be automatically deleted.

What's Next?​


  • You can provide feedback in any way possible (directly, via contacts, etc.)
  • Later on, I will contact you and ask to fill out the feedback form.


Next step is to automate the process of providing personalized settings and the ability to change them on the go, with:

  • Telegram bot
  • Web UI

How to setup on your favourite device(s):

Stay tuned in for more updates and features in Telegram Channel! πŸš€