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↘ Open Report on "Security and DNS"

· One min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of


In Almaty, this Thursday, October 19, at 7:00 PM in SmartPoint, I'll be presenting an open report on the topic of "Security and DNS."

The Importance of DNS

We all recognize that DNS is the backbone of the internet; without it, nothing would function properly. It's everywhere, yet its significance in cybersecurity often goes unnoticed.

What to Expect

While the document is still a work in progress, I plan to cover the following key areas:

  • Why DNS is crucial and how it operates
  • Its impact on security
  • How it affects users
  • DNS and Threat Intelligence
  • The origins of DNS 😡

Event Details

Admission is free. Unfortunately, the link to the event is only available on LinkedIn, where you can find the full agenda.

For those attending, see you at the event! ✌️))