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↘ and zDNS Blackhole Server

· 2 min read
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of and zDNS Blackhole Server

Abstract: I'm happy to announce 🎉 that zDNS is now a part of the project. It is a DNS server that can be used as a blackhole for malicious domains. It is a great addition to the project, and I'm excited to see how it will evolve in the future 🚀

Befor begin

Following Zero Trust model practices, I recently wrote and am slowly beginning to introduce new “blackhole” functionality into the DNS ecosystem.

zDNS is a DNS server that puts security and control over DNS queries at the center. With new functionality, zDNS now supports regular expressions in hosts.txt files, allowing more flexibility in configuring allowed queries. Now you can use the power of regular expressions to precisely control permissions, including subdomains and patterns.

Main zDNS features

  • Denies all DNS queries by default
  • Allows you to configure allowed requests through the hosts.txt file
  • Uses balancing strategies to ensure reliable operation with DNS servers
  • 🛠 Easily customizable via YAML configuration
  • 🔜 Prometheus metrics coming soon..

Additional protection of your infrastructure or testing requests with zDNS is possible and may be useful to you! Download the latest version here and start using a DNS server with powerful customization options: