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🤝 UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support'24

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support

UptimeRobot.com - The world's leading uptime monitoring service, supported OpenBLD.net in the year 2024! 🤝

UptimeRobot Experience

UptimeRobot is the best monitoring solution for OpenBLD.net and exactly what I need:

  • Multiple UptimeRobot monitoring PoPs
  • Various locations worldwide
  • Different monitor types (ports, protocols, etc.)
  • Notifications via Telegram, Email
  • One feature I especially value is the status page that displays the health of all servers in my project: bld-status.sys-adm.in

I've been using UptimeRobot for many years and have never experienced any issues with their service. Of course:

  • I highly recommend UptimeRobot to anyone looking for a reliable online monitoring service.

The free plan includes 50 monitors with 5-minute checks totally free:

🤝 ClouDNS OpenBLD.net support'24

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

ClouDNS OpenBLD.net support

ClouDNS.net - fast and secure DNS Hosting service, supported OpenBLD.net in the year 2024! 🤝

ClouDNS.net Experience

I've been using ClouDNS.net for the OpenBLD.net project for several years now. Prior to this, I've tried all the popular and well-known DNS services worldwide, and with 100% confidence, I want to say: ClouDNS.net is the best DNS hosting provider I've ever encountered.

Key Features

  • Fast
  • Reliable
  • Geographically distributed
  • Includes built-in monitoring
  • Free SSL certificates


I especially want to highlight the stability of ClouDNS. Throughout the entire period of usage, there hasn't been a single outage, making ClouDNS the perfect choice for OpenBLD.

I highly recommend ClouDNS to anyone looking for a high-quality DNS service.

ClouDNS.net — Thank you for your work! ✌️

🤝JetBrains OSS OpenBLD.net support'24

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

JetBrains OSS OpenBLD.net support

JetBrains, following open source support practices, has supported OpenBLD.net and me this year with a new license.

JetBrains was the first company to support my initiative in creating my open projects. Such support has been significant for me, my motivation, and moving forward. Thanks to such activities, you understand that you're not wasting time, that you're not pulling it all alone, there are those who understand you, who support you and your ideas, and this makes you even stronger and closer to achieving your goals and realizing your ideas.

It's cool, it's nice, and it gives the opportunity to move even further than you are today.

To everyone who has the opportunity to help people and projects in their development and support and does so - this is dedicated. Success to all of us! Peace

JetBrains OSS - https://www.jetbrains.com/opensource/

P.S. This post written in JetBrains WebStorm 💪