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2 жазбалар тегпен"profile"

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↘ Prevent Android Vultur Malware

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

OpenBLD.net Prevent Vultur Malware

Android banking malware Vultur have been spotted adding new technical features, which allow the malware operator to further remotely interact with the victim’s mobile device.

Vultur has also started masquerading more of its malicious activity by encrypting its C2 communication, using multiple encrypted payloads that are decrypted on the fly, and using the guise of legitimate applications to carry out its malicious actions...

Full technical analysis on:

Take care of yourself 🔐

📢 Optimized Profile for Apple Devices

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

OpenBLD.net Update Profile for Apple Devices

Following recent attacks on one of the hosting providers within OpenBLD.net, I have updated the server topology to optimize content delivery, especially for Apple users.

Download the optimized profile from the project website and simply install it over your existing one:

  • Setup Mobile Devices > Apple

If your system is functioning normally, updating is not mandatory. Just remember that the option is available. Peace! ✌️

P.S. If you have any questions regarding the update - Welcome 😎