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🤝 UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support'24

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support

UptimeRobot.com - The world's leading uptime monitoring service, supported OpenBLD.net in the year 2024! 🤝

UptimeRobot Experience

UptimeRobot is the best monitoring solution for OpenBLD.net and exactly what I need:

  • Multiple UptimeRobot monitoring PoPs
  • Various locations worldwide
  • Different monitor types (ports, protocols, etc.)
  • Notifications via Telegram, Email
  • One feature I especially value is the status page that displays the health of all servers in my project: bld-status.sys-adm.in

↘ OpenBLD.net - Caring for Children

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

OpenBLD.net - Kid Protection Test Mode

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 OpenBLD.net - Caring for Children

Understanding that advertisements are junk information for a child's brain, I also recognize that "adult content" is even more unacceptable for minors.

This includes:

  • Pornography
  • Escort services
  • Gambling

Starting today, I'm launching a new server in test mode with filtering for this type of content.

↘ OpenBLD.net Implemented OISD Blocklist

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

OpenBLD.net - OISD Integrate

OISD it is one of better projects aimed to reduce internet noise. You can use OISD for own purposes, in your DNS server, or you can use it in OpenBLD.net as a ready-made solution.

What is this oisd blocklist?

The blocklist prevents your devices from connecting to unwanted or harmful domains. It reduces ads, decreases the risk of malware, and enhances privacy. You can see FAQ and other details on the official OISD website.