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🤝 UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support'24

· 1 мин. оқу
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Maintainer of OpenBLD.net

UptimeRobot OpenBLD.net support

UptimeRobot.com - The world's leading uptime monitoring service, supported OpenBLD.net in the year 2024! 🤝

UptimeRobot Experience

UptimeRobot is the best monitoring solution for OpenBLD.net and exactly what I need:

  • Multiple UptimeRobot monitoring PoPs
  • Various locations worldwide
  • Different monitor types (ports, protocols, etc.)
  • Notifications via Telegram, Email
  • One feature I especially value is the status page that displays the health of all servers in my project: bld-status.sys-adm.in