Donation and Contribution
You can support the OpenBLD DNS Project through various activities:
- Donation
- Providing Feedback
- Volunteering
- PayPal, Donorbox (with PayPal / Cards),
- KZ Card (Kaspi) -
- YooMoney -
- Mir -
2204 1201 0804 5747
Providing Feedback
- Setup ADA or RIC (ADA and RIC Differences) in your environment and enjoy it and provide feedback:
- If you catch some issues, please contact me though Contact page.
- If you have some false positive triggering, please contact me though Contact page
- If you catch downtime, please contact me though Contact page
- Write articles or manuals about the DNS Project and publish them on this, your blog, or your site.
- Review content, find misspells, etc. in the documentation, blog and report them.
- Translate content on this site into your language.
- Assist with technical issues.
Contribute Log
2021 - 2023
PilgrimZero (testing), Pak_DV (testing), George.K (testing), Slava.V (testing), Sergey.M (testing), V B (testing), Alibek.B (testing), Dmitry (testing), Oleg (testing) ⚡ Simon.W (testing) 💪, Anatoly (testing) 💪⚡, Thatskriptkid (contribute), Gregory Z (contribute) 💪⚡
Alexandr Bespoyasko (contribute) ⚡, Клён 🌳 (ArtloopTeam) 🚜 ☀️, Alexander G ☀️, El (testing) 💪⚡, Roman G. ☀️, TeaqariaWTF 🚴, Green Duck 🚴, Bessmertnyi_poni ⚡☀️ 🚴, LexterS999 🚴, Timur Shaikhin 🚴⚡
Always on touch
Елизавета.К (design) ☀️, Ruzmat (contribute) ⚡, VadimML24 (contribute) ⚡, Greg (contribute, testing), Egor.Y (testing) 🚴, Stanislav (aka clevergod) Istyagin 💪 ⚡, Not Saint (testing, hosting) 💪 🚴, Aslan-Im (contribute, testing) 🚴, Andrei (werlock) ☀️ 🚴, Seke ⚡ 🚜 ☀️ 🚴, Bessmertnyi_poni ⚡☀️ 🚴
Legend: 2021> Contributor Name |2022> Testing: 💪 Contribute: ⚡ |2023> Feedback: 🚜 Contribute: ☀️ |2024> Test. Feedback. Help: 🚴.